Friday, January 16, 2009

It's raining money?

Like everywhere else, Main Street is clearly hurting - it's something I am starting to notice in my communities and in downtowns across the Valley - businesses are closing and companies are laying off workers.

Obviously, the Government is attempting to stop the bleeding. They are doing this in a variety of ways, and President-Elect Obama is considering a massive spending bill. The House Democrats have also unveiled their own spending bill. The price: $825 billion, with $550 billion in spending and aid to states. Specifics in spending include $50 billion in alternative energy spending, $90 billion in infrastructure spending and $140 billion in school construction and modernization. The hope is that the bill will create or save 3-4 million jobs.

This bill, if it passes, will have massive ramifications on the continuing governance of the United States. Without making a value judgement, I think it is safe to say that this is a truly historical point for the U.S.

Now, that being said, here is an interesting question: how will this affect Main Street and downtowns. The infrastructure spending is desperately needed, especially in Pennsylvania, which has some of the oldest and most structurally deficient bridges in America. The jobs, if created, would obviously help get money flowing again. Of course, the consequences of the long-term debt could be astounding.

Clearly, time will tell how this affects Main Street. But it is something that all aspects of the United States government, especially urban communities, have to be aware of.

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