Thursday, February 5, 2009

Governor's Proposed Cuts

The Governor gave his budget address to the Pennsylvania legislature yesterday, and as expected, the news isn't good. In order to close a yawing $2.3 billion budget hole, the Governor has proposed a massive amount of cuts, totaling $400,000,000. For the whole list, click here.

The plurality of the cuts, as expected, fell on the Department of Community & Economic Development. Quite a few programs were slashed. As far as I can tell, the New Communities Program (under which Main Street funding is housed) is safe, but many many other programs were not so lucky. Below is a list of what was cut. The number next to the program indicates the amount, in thousands. All of these programs have been totally eliminated.

18 Cultural Exhibitions and Expositions $6,300
19 Base Realignment and Closure 272
20 Workforce Leadership Grants 3,010
21 Emergency Responders Resources and Training 5,500
22 Family Savings Accounts 987
23 Local Government Resources and Development 10,000
24 Tourism - Accredited Zoos 2,228
25 Community Revitalization 40,200
26 Urban Development 20,500
27 Community and Business Assistance 2,500
28 Economic Growth & Development Assistance 6,800
29 Community & Municipal Facilities Assistance 5,500
30 Market Development 100
31 Super Computer Center 900
32 Infrastructure Technical Assistance 3,926
33 Minority Business Development 3,000
34 Fay Penn 600
35 Tourist Product Development 1,974
36 Manufacturing and Business Assistance 1,000
38 Agile Manufacturing 675
39 Powdered Metals 200
40 Regional Development Initiatives 13,484
41 Digital & Robotic Technology 2,000
42 Cultural Activities 3,832

1 comment:

Glenn said...

One that hits home hardest to me is that a volunteer organization that I belong to is getting a $492,000 cut. We're being completely eliminated from the budget and it affects our organization heavily. Such a shame.