Friday, September 26, 2008

Presidential Politics & Urban Issues


The upcoming election has certainly generated a lot of heat lately, and as someone who is interested in both politics and urban revitalization, I've been thinking heavily about the role of the presiency in terms of politics that specifically concern our cities and boroughs. Accordingly, I found some links on each of the major Presidential candidates websites that particularly deal with cities. Both candidates have significant plans dedicated to the challenges facing energy in America: Here is Senator McCain's, and here is Senator Obama's. Furthermore, Senator Obama has a specific section on his website dedicated towards urban policy, while Senator McCain has a specific section devoted towards crime. I couldn't find similar components on Senator Obama's website on crime or Senator McCain's website on urban reviatlization. Normally, I would try to summarize the platforms of the candidates; however, given the importance of this election, I definately think its worth reading the material yourself, as opposed to reading a summary from my (biased) opinion. I also found an interesting article from the New York times on urban policy in the Presidential race (this was back during the primary in February) and how little attention the issue was getting.

I would be HAPPY to add any additional information.

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